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Christmas with the Poor

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Wikipedia article

'Christmas with the Poor' or 'The Poor People's Christmas' (Spanish:'Navidad de los pobres)' is a 1947 Argentine comedy film directed by Manuel Romero and starring Nin Marshall, Irma Crdoba and Tito Lusiardo.Schroeder Rodrguez p.115


* Nin Marshall

* Irma Crdoba

* Tito Lusiardo

* Fernando Lamas

* Osvaldo Miranda

* Orestes Soriani

* Esperanza Palomero

* Rosa Martn

* Vicente Forastieri

* Betty Lagos

* Pepita Muoz

* Semillita

* Hugo Lanzilotta

* Ada Villadeamigo as Lajefa



* Paul A. Schroeder Rodrguez. 'Latin American Cinema: A Comparative History'. Univ of California Press, 2016.

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