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The Shanghai Cobra

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Wikipedia article

'The Shanghai Cobra' is a 1945 mystery film directed by Phil Karlson and starring Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan.Shanghai Cobra, The

Monthly Film Bulletin; London Vol. 13, Iss. 145, (Jan 1, 1946): 50.

Picture Show; London Vol. 50, Iss. 1294, (Jul 27, 1946): 10.


When three bank employees are killed with cobra venom, Detective Chan recalls an oddly similar case ten years earlier in Shanghai. Benson Fong and Mantan Moreland, return as Tommy "Number Three Son" Chan, and Birmingham Brown.


*Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan

*Mantan Moreland as Birmingham Brown

*Benson Fong as Tommy Chan

*James Cardwell as Ned Stewart

*Joan Barclay as Paula Webb (alias of Paula van Horn, daughter of Jan van Horn)

*Addison Richards as John Adams (alias Jan van Horn), Sixth National Bank guard

*Arthur Loft as Bradford Harris (alias Special Agent Hume)

*Janet Warren as Record Machine Operator

*Gene Stutenroth as Morgan, a gangster

*Cyril Delevanti as Detective Larkin, a police undercover officer at the Sixth National Bank

*George Chandler Joe Nelson, coffee shop proprietor

*James Flavin H.R. Jarvis, chemical engineer

* John Goldsworthy as Inspector Mainwaring


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