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The Happy Tailor

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Wikipedia article

'The Happy Tailor' (Swedish:'Den glade skrddaren') is a 1945 Swedish comedy film directed by Gunnar Olsson and starring Edvard Persson, Mim Persson and Marianne Gyllenhammar.Qvist & von Bagh p.124

The film's art direction was by Max Linder.

Main cast

* Edvard Persson as Sren Srenson

* Mim Persson as Boel Srenson

* Marianne Gyllenhammar as Anne-Marie

* Ivar Kge as Anders Bengt

* Sture Djerf as Gunnar

* Sven Bergvall as Sten

* Ernst Wellton as Ingvar

* Fritiof Billquist as Innkeeper

* Carl Deurell as Mayor

* Algot Larsson as Tok-Lars

* Harald Svensson as Pihlquist

* Josua Bengtson as Vicar

* Birgitta Hoppeler as Daughter of Sren and Boel

* Gunnel Nilsson as Daughter of Sren and Boel



* Qvist, Per Olov & von Bagh, Peter. 'Guide to the Cinema of Sweden and Finland'. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.

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