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My First Love (1945 film)

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Wikipedia article

'My First Love' (French: 'J'ai dix-sept ans') is a 1945 French comedy drama film directed by Andr Berthomieu and starring Jacqueline Delubac, Aim Clariond and Madeleine Suffel.Bessye & Chirat p.306 It was based on a play of the same title by Paul Vandenberghe. The film's sets were designed by the art director Raymond Ngre.

The film had admissions in France of 2,442,552.[http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.boxofficestory.com/&prev=search French box office results for 1945] at Box Office Story


Bob, a student, is very emotionally close to his mother Suzanne. He is alarmed when she seems about to begin a relationship with a novelist, regarding it as a betrayal.


* Jacqueline Delubac as Suzanne

* Grard Nery as Bob

* Aim Clariond as Le romancier Maurice Fleurville

* Madeleine Suffel as Louise - la femme de chambre

* Jacques Louvigny as L'oncle Victor

* Jacques Famery as Ren

* Jean Diner as Le prof de philo

* Paul Faivre as Le prof de premire

* Louis Florencie as Le proviseur

* Robert Moor as Firmin, le valet de chambre

* Charles Bouillaud as Le pion

* Christiane Sertilange as Mado

* Guy Loriquet as Mnard



* Bessy, Maurice & Chirat, Raymond. 'Histoire du cinma franais: encyclopdie des films, 1940-1950. Pygmalion, 1986

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