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Rise and Shine (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Rise and Shine' is a 1941 American comedy crime film directed by Allan Dwan and starring Jack Oakie, George Murphy and Linda Darnell.Davis p.66

Partial cast

* Jack Oakie as Boley Bolenciecwcz

* George Murphy as Jimmy McGonigle

* Linda Darnell as Louise Murray

* Walter Brennan as Grandpa

* Milton Berle as Seabiscuit

* Sheldon Leonard as Menace

* Donald Meek as Professor Philip Murray

* Ruth Donnelly as Mame Bacon

* Raymond Walburn as Colonel Bacon

* Donald MacBride as Coach Graham

* Emma Dunn as Mrs. Murray

* Charles Waldron as President

* Mildred Gover as Mrs. Robertson

* William Haade as Butch

* Dick Rich as Gogo

* John Hiestand as Announcer

* Claire Du Brey as Miss Pinkham

* Paul Harvey as Orville Turner



* Davis, Ronald L. 'Hollywood Beauty: Linda Darnell and the American Dream'. University of Oklahoma Press, 2014.

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