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The Whip (1939 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Whip' (Spanish:'El ltigo') is a 1939 Mexican adventure film directed by and starring Jos Bohr. It also featured Elena D'Orgaz, Domingo Soler.Toledo p.26


* Jos Bohr as Rafael - El Ltigo

* Elena D'Orgaz as Carmelita

* Domingo Soler as To Antonio

* Julin Soler as Andrs

* Aurora Walker as Rosala

* Ernesto Finance as Don Fernando Montero

* Guillermo Cant Robert as Ral Montero

* Carlos Lpez Moctezuma as Antonio

* Pepe del Ro as Ral - nio

* Consuelo Lezama as Doa Enriqueta

* Mary Darson as Rosa



* Toledo, Nelson. 'Patagonia Y Antartica, Personajes HistRicos'. Palibrio, 2011.

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