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The Three Hearts

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Wikipedia article

'The Three Hearts' (Polish: 'Trzy serca') is a 1939 Polish romantic comedy film directed by Micha Waszyski and starring Jerzy Pichelski, Aleksander abczyski and Elbieta Barszczewska. It was based on a novel by Tadeusz Doga-Mostowicz.


* Jerzy Pichelski - Maciek Tyniecki / Maciek Kudro

* Aleksander abczyski - Gogo Kudro

* Elbieta Barszczewska - Kasia

* Leokadia Pancewicz-Leszczyska - Countess Matylda Tyniecka

* Zofia Lindorf - Michalinka Zurda

* Tadeusz Biaoszczyski - Aleksander Kudro

* Aleksander Zelwerowicz - Uncle Seweryn Tukao

* Helena Buczyska - Aunt Betsy

* Janina Krzymuska - Aunt Klotylda 'Klocia'

* Stanislaw apiski - Land Steward

* Feliks Chmurkowski - Mr. Kolicz

* Stanisaw Grolicki - Apartment Superintendent

* Jerzy Chodecki - Lawyer


* Skaff, Sheila. 'The Law of the Looking Glass: Cinema in Poland, 1896-1939'. Ohio University Press, 2008.

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