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The Fatted Calf

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Wikipedia article

'The Fatted Calf' (French: 'Le veau gras') is a 1939 French comedy film directed by Serge de Poligny and starring Elvire Popesco, Andr Lefaur and Armand Bernard.Oscherwitz & Higgins p.353 It is based on a play by Bernard Zimmer. The film's sets were designed by Jacques Colombier and Robert Gys.


* Elvire Popesco as La princesse Dorothe

* Andr Lefaur as Jules Vachon pre

* Armand Bernard as Gabriel Vachon

* Dorville as Le receveur

* Robert Le Vigan as Grussgolt

* Franois Prier as Gaston Vachon

* Gabrielle Fontan as Madame Vachon

* Marcelle Praince as Madame Van Houtentook

* Raymond Cordy as Le cur

* Nicolas Amato

* Yvette Andryor as La mre de Jeanne

* Andre Berty

* Georges Bever as Franois - le valet de chambre

* Huguette Boudet

* Albert Broquin as Le facteur

* Micheline Buire as Mademoiselle Jeanne

* Rgine Dancourt as Louise

* Hubert de Malet as Le chauffeur de la princesse

* Edith Gallia

* Jean Kolb

* Charles Lemontier as Le juge de paix

* Nathalie Lissenko as La dame de compagnie

* Albert Malbert

* Maurice Marceau as L'ouvrier lectricien

* Jean Marconi as L'entrepreneur

* Franck Maurice

* Carine Nelson as Marie - une dactylo

* Robert Ozanne as L'lectricien

* Jean Pards as Albert - le garon de caf

* Henri Richard as Le chtelain

* Eugne Stuber

* Solange Turenneas La petite fille

* Huguette Valmy

* Claire Vervin

* Marcel Vidal



* Dayna Oscherwitz & MaryEllen Higgins. 'The A to Z of French Cinema'. Scarecrow Press, 2009.

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