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En fuldendt gentleman

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Wikipedia article

'En fuldendt gentleman' is a 1937 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.


*Osvald Helmuth as Mortensen

*Lau Lauritzen Jr. as Baron Henrik Falkenstjerne

*Oda Pasborg as Bodil von Hauch

*Karen Jnsson as Karen von Hauch

*Albrecht Schmidt - Grev Urne

*Ellen Margrethe Stein as Grevinde Urne

*Eigil Reimers as Grev Tage Urne

*Else Jarlbak as Ulla Platen

*Thorkil Lauritzen as Kammerjunker Torben von Gothenburg

*Erika Voigt as Apoteker Hornfleth

*Knud Almar as Inspektr Boye

*Alex Zander as Chauffr

*Carola Merrild as Stuepige

*Henry Nielsen as Frisrkunde

*Betty Helsengreen


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