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Toto (1933 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Toto' is a 1933 French comedy film directed by Jacques Tourneur and starring Albert Prjean, Rene Saint-Cyr and Flix Oudart.Oscherwitz & Higgins p.387

It was shot at Path's Joinville Studios in Paris. The film's sets were designed by the art director Jacques Colombier.


* Albert Prjean as Toto

* Rene Saint-Cyr as Ginette

* Robert Goupil as Carotte

* Flix Oudart as L'agent

* Jim Grald as Bruno

* Mercds Brare as Concurente Miss Occasion

* Gabrielle Fontan as La logeuse

* douard Francomme as Un prisonnier

* Anthony Gilds as Le prsident du jury

* Pierre Juvenet as Le prsentateur du concours

* Ginette Leclerc as La petite femme



* Oscherwitz, Dayna & Higgins, MaryEllen. 'The A to Z of French Cinema'. Scarecrow Press, 2009.

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