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Dancing (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Dancing' is a 1933 Argentine musical film directed by Luis Moglia Barth for Argentina Sono Film.

The film's sets were designed by the art director Juan Manuel Concado.

It is based on a play by Alejandro Berrutti. Only the second ever sound film to be released in the country after Barth's 'Tango!', released earlier in 1933, it marked the debut of Amelia Bence, who had a minor role.


* Arturo Garca Buhr

* Amanda Ledesma

* Alicia Vignoli

* Tito Lusiardo

* Alicia Barri

* Severo Fernndez

* Pedro Quartucci

* Hctor Calcao

* Hctor Quintanilla

* Eduardo Sandrini

* Margarita Padn

* Domingo Mania

* Paquita Garzn

* Rosa Cat

* Amelia Bence

* Elena Zucotti

* Ren Cspito

* Roberto Firpo

* Los de la Raza

* Arturo Bamio



* Rist, Peter H. 'Historical Dictionary of South American Cinema'. Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.

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