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Wikipedia article

'Skjrgrdsflirt' (Skerry Flirtation) is a Norwegian comedy film from 1932 directed by Rasmus Breistein. It is based on a play of the same name by Gideon Wahlberg. The film is considered lost.


* Else Bull as Inga Sjholm, Sjholm's daughter

* Kristian Hefte as Erik sterman, sterman's son

* Finn Bernhoft as Andersen, a wholesaler

* Bjrn Bjrnevik as Sjholm, a farmer

* Arne Kleve as sterman, a fisherman

* Vilhelm Lund as Hans, Andersen's nephew

* Birger Lvaas as Karl Anton, a servant boy at the sterman house

* Lisbeth Nyborg as Augusta sterman

* Astrid Schwab as Lily Andersen, Andersen's daughter

* Olga Sjgren as Katrine, a servant girl at the sterman house


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