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The Second Wife (1922 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Second Wife' or 'The Second Mrs. Tanqueray' (Italian:'La seconda moglie') is a 1922 Italian silent drama film directed by Amleto Palermi and starring Pina Menichelli, Elena Lunda and Alfredo Martinelli.Dalle Vacche p.263 It is an adaptation of Arthur Wing Pinero's 1893 British play 'The Second Mrs Tanqueray', about a woman who struggles to overcome rumours about her past.


* Alfredo Bertone

* Orietta Claudi

* Elena Lunda

* Alfredo Martinelli

* Alfredo Menichelli

* Pina Menichelli

* Livio Pavanelli



* Angela Dalle Vacche. 'Diva: Defiance and Passion in Early Italian Cinema'. University of Texas Press, 2008.

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