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The Moneylender's Daughter

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Wikipedia article

'The Moneylender's Daughter' (German: 'Die Tochter des Wucherers') is a 1922 German silent film directed by Fritz Bernhardt and starring Lee Parry, Max Wogritsch and Olaf Storm.Bock & Bergfelder p.104


* Lee Parry as Thoea Nothmer

* Max Wogritsch as Graf Lothar von Rstow

* Olaf Storm as Dr. Kurt Holgers

* Josef Commer as Pank Feldern, Agent

* Syme Delmar as Irene Hansen

* Rudolf Klein-Rhoden as Bankier Michael Bothmer

* Paul Ludwig as Franz Scherneck

* Gerhard Ritterband as Sepp Hinterwurzer

* Aruth Wartan as Heino Bothmer



* Bock, Hans-Michael & Bergfelder, Tim. 'The Concise CineGraph. Encyclopedia of German Cinema'. Berghahn Books, 2009.

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