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The Conquest of Canaan

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Wikipedia article

'The Conquest of Canaan' is a 1921 American silent drama film produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It starred Thomas Meighan and Doris Kenyon and was directed by Roy William Neill. It was filmed in Asheville, North Carolina. A previous version of the story was filmed in 1916 under the same title.



Preservation status

This film was considered lost for over seventy years until 2010, when a digital copy was returned to the United States as a gift from Russia and its film archive Gosfilmofond.[http://www.silentera.com/PSFL/data/C/ConquestofCanaan1921.html Progressive Silent Film List: 'The Conquest of Canaan'] at silentera.com[https://www.loc.gov/item/prn-10-239/russia-presents-digital-copies-of-silent-films/2010-10-21 Russia Presents Library of Congress With Digital Copies of Lost U.S. Silent Films], Library of Congress press release, Oct. 21, 2010


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