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A Woman's Revenge (1921 film)

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Wikipedia article

'A Woman's Revenge' (German: 'Die Rache einer Frau') is a 1921 German silent drama film directed by Robert Wiene and starring Vera Karalli, Franz Egenieff and Olga Engl. In order to punish her cold, brutal aristocratic husband for murdering her lover, a woman becomes a common prostitute to shame him.Jung & Schatzberg p.88-89 The film received largely negative reviews.Jung & Schatzberg p.91-92


* Vera Karalli

* Franz Egenieff - Herzog von Sierra-Leone

* Olga Engl

* Margarete Kupfer

* Alfred Haase

* Boris Michailow - Geliebter der Herzogin

* Auguste Prasch-Grevenberg



* Jung, Uli & Schatzberg, Walter. 'Beyond Caligari: The Films of Robert Wiene'. Berghahn Books, 1999.

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