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Shakuntala (1920 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Shakuntala' is a 1920 film directed by Suchet Singh.


Raja Dushyanta going to hunt in a forest happens upon a beautiful maiden, her name was Shakuntala. Raja instantly falls in love with her. He gives her a ring as a symbol of his affection and commitment to marry. After return, Raja has an attack of amnesia and Shakuntala loses the ring in a lake, so she could not convince him of who she is.


* Dorothy Kingdon as Shakuntala

* Goharjaan as Raja Dushyanta

* Samson as Sampson

* Sutria as Mrs. Sutria

* Signorina Albertini

* Khorshedji Engineer

* Kanjibhai Rathod

* Rewashankar

* Dadibhai Sarkari

* Isaac Simon


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