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Her Boy (1918 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Her Boy' is lost 1918 American silent film drama directed by George Irving and starring Effie Shannon and Niles Welch as her son. It was produced and distributed by the Metro Pictures company.(Wayback)


* Effie Shannon as Helen Morrison

* Niles Welch as David Morrison

* Pauline Curley as Virginia Gordon

* James T. Galloway as Colonel Danby Gordon

* Pat O'Malley as Charlie Turner

* William Bechtel as Oscar Schultz

* Charles Sutton as Dr. Swift

* Charles Riegel as Reverend Mr. Kimberly

* Violet Axzelle as Gretchen

* James Robert Chandler as Abner Turner

* Ferike Boros as Mrs. Schultz

* Anthony Byrd

* S. McAlpin

* J.C. Bates

* Edmund Wright


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