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Time Locks and Diamonds

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Wikipedia article

'Time Locks and Diamonds' is a 1917 American silent crime film directed by Walter Edwards and starring William Desmond, Gloria Hope and Robert McKim.Katchmer p.168


* William Desmond as Silver Jim Farrel

* Gloria Hope as Marjory Farrel

* Robert McKim as Crabbe

* Rowland V. Lee as Edgar Seymour

* Mildred Harris as Lolita Mendoza

* George Beranger as Ramon Mendoza

* Tom Guise as Howe Seymour

* Milton Ross as Blaisdell

* Laura Sears as Maid

* Kate Bruce as Housekeeper

* Margaret Thompson as Rose



* Katchmer, George A. 'A Biographical Dictionary of Silent Film Western Actors and Actresses'. McFarland, 2015.

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