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The Winged Mystery

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Wikipedia article

'The Winged Mystery' is a 1917 American silent war film directed by Joseph De Grasse and starring Franklyn Farnum, Claire Du Brey and Rosemary Theby.Connelly p.435


* Franklyn Farnum as Capt. August Sieger / Louis Siever

* Claire Du Brey as Gerda Anderson

* Rosemary Theby as Shirley Wayne

* Charles Hill Mailes as Josiah Wayne

* Sam De Grasse as Mortimer Eddington

* T.D. Crittenden as Henry Waltham Steele

* Fred Montague as Capt. Bernard



* Robert B. Connelly. 'The Silents: Silent Feature Films, 1910-36, Volume 40, Issue 2'. December Press, 1998.

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