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The Soul of Satan

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Wikipedia article

'The Soul of Satan' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Otis Turner and starring Gladys Brockwell, Bertram Grassby and Charles Clary.Solomon p.241


* Gladys Brockwell as Miriam Lee

* Bertram Grassby as Joe Valdez

* Charles Clary as 'Lucky' Carson

* William Burress as Alden Lee

* Josef Swickard as Chicago Stone

* Gerard Alexander as Fanny Stone

* Norbert A. Myles as Jim Calvert

* Lucille Young as Helen Valdez

* Frankie Lee as Miriam's Brother

* Marie Kiernan as Miriam's Sister



* Solomon, Aubrey. 'The Fox Film Corporation, 1915-1935: A History and Filmography'. McFarland, 2011.

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