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The Marriage of Luise Rohrbach

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Wikipedia article

'The Marriage of Luise Rohrbach' (German: 'Die Ehe der Luise Rohrbach') is a 1917 German silent drama film directed by Rudolf Biebrach and starring Henny Porten, Emil Jannings and Ludwig Trautmann. The film was based on a novel by Emmi Elert.


A young teacher marries a factory owner, who turns out to be extremely brutal. She eventually leaves him for a kinder, gentler man.Jung & Schatzberg p.35-36


* Henny Porten Luise Rohrbach

* Emil Jannings Wilhelm Rohrbach

* Ludwig Trautmann Lawyer Rtling

* Rudolf Biebrach Schuldirektor

* Frida Richard Mutter des Ermordeten

* Klara Berger



* Jung, Uli & Schatzberg, Walter. 'Beyond Caligari: The Films of Robert Wiene'. Berghahn Books, 1999.

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