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The Law of the North (1917 film)

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Wikipedia article

'The Law of the North' is a 1917 American silent adventure film directed by Burton George and Edward H. Griffith and starring Shirley Mason, Pat O'Malley and Richard Tucker.Brgent-Heald p.209


* Shirley Mason as Edith Graham

* Pat O'Malley as Cpl. John Emerson

* Richard Tucker as The Rt. Hon. Reginald Annesley

* Charles Sutton as Lt. Robert Graham

* Sally Crute as Marie Beaubin

* Fred Jones as Pierre Beaubin

* Robert Kegerreis as Ba'Tiste



* Brgent-Heald, Dominique. 'Borderland Films: American Cinema, Mexico, and Canada During the Progressive Era'. University of Nebraska Press, 2015.

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