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The Flame of Youth

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Wikipedia article

'The Flame of Youth' is a 1917 American silent adventure film directed by Elmer Clifton and starring Jack Mulhall, Ann Forrest and Hayward Mack.Wollstein p.77


* Jack Mulhall as Jimmy Gordon

* Ann Forrest as Lucy Andrews

* Donna Drew as Nadine

* Hayward Mack as Sir Beverly Wyndham

* Alfred Allen as Jasper Sneedham

* Ed Brady as McCool

* Fred Montague as James Gordon Sr.

* Burton Law as Beppo

* Percy Challenger as Fred Haimer

* Harry Mann as Bennie Zussbaum

* Harry Morris as Juan



* Hans J. Wollstein. 'Strangers in Hollywood: the history of Scandinavian actors in American films from 1910 to World War II'. Scarecrow Press, 1994.

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