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Princess Virtue

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Wikipedia article

'Princess Virtue' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring Mae Murray, Lule Warrenton and Wheeler Oakman.Parish & Pitts p.229 An incomplete copy was found and kept in the Library of Congress. Prints and/or fragments were found in the Dawson Film Find in 1978.


* Mae Murray as Lianne Demarest

* Lule Warrenton as Clare Demarest

* Wheeler Oakman as Basil Demarest

* Clarissa Selwynne as Countess Oudoff

* Gretchen Lederer as Mlle. Sari

* Harry von Meter as Count Oudoff

* Paul Nicholson as Baron Strensky

* Jean Hersholt as Emile Carre



*James Robert Parish & Michael R. Pitts. 'Film directors: a guide to their American films'. Scarecrow Press, 1974.

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