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Maternity (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Maternity' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by John B. O'Brien and starring Alice Brady, Marie Chambers and John Bowers.Langman p.116 It was shot at Fort Lee studios in New Jersey.


* Alice Brady as Ellen Franklin

* Marie Chambers as Louise Randall

* John Bowers as David Gordon

* David Powell as John Locke

* Herbert Barrington as Henry Franklin

* Florence Crane as Marion Franklin

* Stanhope Wheatcroft as Dan Miller

* Charles Duncan as Joseph Randall

* Louis R. Grisel as Jed

* Julia Stuart as Amelia

* Madge Evans as Constance

* John Dudley as Family Doctor



* Langman, Larry. 'American Film Cycles: The Silent Era'. Greenwood Publishing, 1998.

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