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Kaiser (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Kaiser' is a short animated film, directed by the cartoonist lvaro Marins, the Seth, in 1917. It is considered the first cartoon produced in Brazil.[http://www.almanaquebrasil.com.br/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5607:animacao-pioneira-satiriza-imperador-e-apoia-servico-militar&catid=12965:arte&Itemid=92 Animao pioneira satiriza imperador e apoia servio militar]. Almanaque Brasil

The film premiered on January 22, 1917, at Cine Path in Rio de Janeiro, months before Brazil declared war on Germany and started its participation in World War I. It consisted of a political cartoon, showing the emperor Wilhelm II putting on his head a helmet that represented the control over the world. Then, a terrestrial globe grew and swallowed the German leader.GOMES, Andria Prieto. [http://www.cenacine.com.br/wp-content/uploads/historia-da-animacao-brasileira1.pdf Histria da Animao no Brasil]

Since 1907 the Brazilian cinemas already presented/displayed animated vignettes in the closure of the newsreels. However, 'Kaiser' was the first Brazilian autonomous animation to be shown.

The film was not preserved and is now a lost film, leaving only a still frame.


Unfortunately, the film was not preserved and was lost forever, leaving only a reference image of the work. To honor the artist and his creation, the director of the film 'Luz, Anima, Ao', Eduardo Calvet, invited 8 Brazilian animators of different techniques:[http://odia.ig.com.br/diversao/2013-08-02/luz-anima-acao-que-sera-exibido-no-anima-mundia-conta-a-historia-da-animacao-no-brasil.html 'Luz, Anima, Ao!' conta a histria dos filmes de animao no Brasil] Maro (traditional), Z Brando (digital 2D), Still (animation on paper), Pedro Iu (clay), Marcos Magalhes (animation in film), Diego Akel (pixilation), Fbio Yamaji (light painting) and Rosana Urbes (metalanguage).

It was shown in August at Anima Mundi 2013.

See also

* History of Brazilian animation

* Brazil during World War I


Category:History of animation

Category:Lost animated films

Category:Lost Brazilian films

Category:1910s animated short films

Category:Brazilian animated films

Category:1917 animated films

Category:1917 films

Category:1917 short films

Category:1917 lost films

Category:Brazilian short films

Category:Cultural depictions of Wilhelm II

Category:Films about royalty

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