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Blood Will Tell (1917 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Blood Will Tell' is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Charles Miller and starring William Desmond, Enid Markey and David Hartford.Connelly p.324 The film's sets were designed by the art director Robert Brunton.


* William Desmond as Samson Oakley III

* Enid Markey as Nora North

* David Hartford as Samson Oakley II

* Howard Hickman as James Black

* Margaret Thompson as Dixie Du Fresne

* Charles Gunn as Otis Slade

* J. Frank Burke as Aaron Howlett

* J. Barney Sherry as Dr. Galbraith

* Fanny Midgley as Mrs. Oakley



* Robert B. Connelly. 'The Silents: Silent Feature Films, 1910-36, Volume 40, Issue 2'. December Press, 1998.

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