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The Rose of Granada

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Wikipedia article

'The Rose of Granada' (Italian:'La rosa di Granata') is a 1916 Italian silent film directed by Emilio Ghione and starring Ida Carloni Talli, Lina Cavalieri and Diomira Jacobini.Fryer & Usova p.154

This film may have been rereleased in 1919 as 'The House of Granada' by Paramount.'Pictorial History of the Silent Screen' p.169 c.1953 by Daniel Blum


* Ida Carloni Talli

* Lina Cavalieri

* Diomira Jacobini

* Ignazio Lupi

* Lucien Muratore

* Claudio Nicola

* Kally Sambucini



* Paul Fryer, Olga Usova. 'Lina Cavalieri: The Life of Opera's Greatest Beauty, 1874-1944'. McFarland, 2003.

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