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Icelander (novel)

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Wikipedia article

'Icelander' is the debut novel of Dustin Long. It is part of the Rectangulars line of McSweeney's Books. It appeared on the 'Los Angeles Times' best-seller's list.


The plot primarily follows the adventures of a character known only as Our Heroine as she attempts to solve the mystery of her friend's murder while repeated flashbacks detail her family's past adventures in the underground Icelandic kingdom of Vanaheim.


Though playing on the mystery genre, the book is more in line with the postmodern fiction of Vladimir Nabokov, Thomas Pynchon, Alasdair Gray, and Flann O'Brien.

The author created a real life "Bean Day" website, in reference to the event in the novel.[http://www.emilybean.com Emily Bean web site]


Category:2006 novels

Category:McSweeney's books

Category:Novels set in Iceland

Category:2006 debut novels

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