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The Hour of the Thin Ox

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Wikipedia article

'The Hour of the Thin Ox' is a novel by Colin Greenland published in 1987.

Plot summary

'The Hour of the Thin Ox' is a novel in which balloons, primitive guns, and low-tech biological warfare are used.


Dave Langford reviewed 'The Hour of the Thin Ox' for 'White Dwarf' #91, and stated that "Greenland's real story begins in the southern jungle at about chapter 12, and continues into mystery beyond the end of the book: yet I don't think there's to be a sequel. Odd."


*Review by Faren Miller (1986) in Locus, #308 September 1986

*Review by Pauline Morgan (1987) in Fantasy Review, July-August 1987

*Review by Paul Brazier (1987) in Vector 139

*Review by David V. Barrett (1989) in Foundation, #44 Winter 1988/89


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