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Wikipedia article

'Anthonology' is a collection by Piers Anthony published in 1985.

Plot summary

'Anthonology' is a collection of 21 short science-fiction and fantasy stories.


Dave Langford reviewed 'Anthonology' for 'White Dwarf' #86, and stated that "Some display the compulsive daftness of Anthony at his best [...] many could usefully have remained in obscurity; one is an incredibly filthy joke which would shock your editor if described here. Acerbic introductions bewail the bad taste of editors and the obtuseness of critics."


*Review by W. D. Stevens (1986) in Fantasy Review, May 1986

*Review by Robert Coulson (1987) in Amazing Stories, May 1987

*Review by Ken Brown (1987) in Interzone, #20 Summer 1987


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