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The Wandering Jew (Heym novel)

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Wikipedia article

'Ahasver' is a 1981 German-language novel by Stefan Heym. It was published in English as 'The Wandering Jew' in 1984.Martin Gardner - 'From the Wandering Jew to William F. Buckley Jr' 2000 The most recent novel about the Wanderer is by German ex-communist Stefan Heym, a pseudonym for Hellmuth Flieg. In his The Wandering Jew, published in West Germany in 1981 and in a U.S. edition three years later, the Wanderer is a hunchback who tramps the roads with Lucifer as his companion. The fantasy ends with the Second Coming, Armageddon ....


Category:1981 novels

Category:20th-century German novels

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