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The Morphodite

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Wikipedia article

'The Morphodite' is a novel by M. A. Foster published in 1981.

Plot summary

'The Morphodite' is a novel in which a man with no memory is trained as an assassin and given the ability to shape-change.


Greg Costikyan reviewed 'The Morphodite' in 'Ares Magazine' #13 and commented that "'The Morphodite' is different from what we think of as traditional science fiction because it is a psychological novel, which is something we associate with mainstream fiction; yet it is a novel which attempts to explore unusual ideas, which is the essence of science fiction."


*Review by Baird Searles (1982) in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1982

*Review by Tom Easton (1982) in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, July 1982


Category:1981 novels

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