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Myth Conceptions

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Wikipedia article

'Myth Conceptions' is a novel by Robert Lynn Asprin published in 1981.

Plot summary

'Myth Conceptions' is a novel in which the apprentice wizard Skeeve serves a demon from Perv and they are hired as court wizards to defeat an army.


Greg Costikyan reviewed 'Myth Conceptions' in 'Ares Magazine' #8 and commented that "the field of humorous science fiction has too long been without a steady practitioner. Asprin fills the gap admirably, and it is to be hoped that he will continue in the same rich vein."


*Review by Tom Staicar (1982) in Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1982

*Review by Don D'Ammassa (1993) in Science Fiction Chronicle, #166 September 1993


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