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Moeyo Ken

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Wikipedia article

is a novel by Japanese author Rytar Shiba. It dramatizes the life of Hijikata Toshiz, a member of the Shinsengumi, active in Japan during the 'bakumatsu' (the end of the Tokugawa shogunate).

The novel was initially serialized from 1962 to 1964 in the Bungeishunj weekly magazine 'Shkan Bunshun'. Shinchosha published the complete novel in two volumes. The action takes place in the kunitama Shrine in Fuch, along the Asa River in and near Hachiji, in the Mibu area of Kyoto, and in Hokkaid.

Shochiku released a 1966 film of the same title. Asahi Kurizuka played Hijikata. He repeated the role in the prime-time television 'jidaigeki' on NET.

Movie and TV adaptations

Cast (1966 film)

*Asahi Kurizuka as Hijikata Toshiz

*Shun'ya Wazaki as Kond Isami

*Hidehiko Ishikura as Okita Sji

*Tetsuko Kobayashi as Sae

*Keiji Takamiya as Niimi Nishiki

Cast (1966 TV series)

*Ryhei Uchida as Hijikata Toshiz

*Asao Koike as Kond Isami

*Rytar Sugi as Okita Sji

*Reiko Hitomi as Osae

Cast (1970 TV series)

*Asahi Kurizuka as Hijikata Toshiz

*Gen Funabashi as Kond Isami

*Junshi Shimada as Okita Sji

*Jkei Fujioka as End

*Susumu Kurobe as Nagakura Shinpachi

*Ry Nishida as Harada Sanosuke

*Seiya Nakano as Yamazaki Susumu

*Eiz Kitamura as Inoue Genzabur

Cast (1990 TV mini-series)

*Kji Yakusho as Hijikata Toshiz

*Tomoko Ogawa as Oyuki

*Tetsuo Ishidate as Kond Isami

*Terutake Tsuji as Okita Sji

*Hisako Manda as Sae

*Masaomi Kond as It Kashitar

Cast (2021 film)

*Junichi Okada as Hijikata Toshiz

*Ko Shibasaki as Oyuki

*Ryohei Suzuki as Kond Isami

*Ryosuke Yamada as Okita Sji

*Hideaki It as Serizawa Kamo

See also



* This article incorporates material from ('Moeyo Ken') in the Japanese Wikipedia, retrieved on March 15, 2008.

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