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Baruniina ljubav

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Wikipedia article

'Baruniina ljubav' (lit. "Baroness love") is a novel written by Croatian writer Ante Kovai. He dedicated this novel to his wife Milka, naming one character after her.

'Baruniina ljubav' was published in 1877 and appeared in 'Vijenac' (literary magazine).

Kovai discussed 'Baruniina ljubav' with Rikard Jorgovani in 1878.

When he was writing 'Baruniina ljubav', Kovai was influenced by Eugne Sue and French novelist Honor de Balzac.Bertault, Philippe (1963). 'Balzac and The Human Comedy'. English version by Richard Monges. New York: NYU Press. He described the Oedipus complex.

Kovai was born in Hrvatsko Zagorje and wanted to describe that region in his works. He described it in 'Baruniina ljubav' perfectly.


*Baroness Sofija Martini ('ne' Greftein)

*Ivan Martini Sofijas husband

*Pavao Lanosovi son of Sofija and Ivan, adopted by farmers and seduced by his mother

*Milka Stalieva

*Mirko Stali Milkas father and Ivans best friend

*Julijo Kreli Sofijas lover

*Jakob servant


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